Simple JavaScript Tweening

v 0.2

This is for very basic JavaScript tweening for when other libraries are overkill.

Tested in Firefox 4, Chrome 11, IE 8 and Safari 5.

Run Tween Demo

// Demo code: Runs demoTween1, then demoTween2, then demoTween3
function demoTween1(){
	var target = document.getElementById('demo-guy');
	tween(target, {width: 700, height: 200} ,1, demoTween2);
function demoTween2(){
	var target = document.getElementById('demo-guy');
	tween(target, {width: 20}, 1, demoTween3, Quad_easeIn);
function demoTween3(){
	var target = document.getElementById('demo-guy',Quad_easeInOut);
	tween(target, {height: 0}, 1);

Source Code

Download tween.js
/* Simple JavaScript Tween v 0.2  - 
 * [Arguments]
 * o: Target element
 * props: key/values object of props to tween
 * durationSecs: duration of tween in seconds (not millis)
 * onComplete: (optional) function to fire when tween is complete
 * easef: (optional) easing function
function tween(o,props,durationSecs,onComplete,easef){
	var fps=30,count=0,stopAt = fps*durationSecs,startVals={},endVals={},easef=easef||Quad_easeOut;
	for (var p in props) startVals[p] = tween_getProperty(o,p);
	for (var p in props) endVals[p] = props[p];
	var f=function(){
		if (count>=stopAt){
			if (onComplete) onComplete();
		} else {
			for (var p in props) tween_setProperty(o,p, easef(count,startVals[p],endVals[p]-startVals[p],stopAt) );
	o._tween_int = setInterval(f,durationSecs*1000/fps);
function tween_stop(o){ clearInterval(o._tween_int); }
function tween_setProps(o,props){ for (var p in props) tween_setProperty(o,p,props[p]); }
function tween_setProperty(o,p,value){[p]=value+'px';}
function tween_getProperty(o,p){
	var v;
	if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){
		var cs=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(o,null);
		if(cs && cs.getPropertyValue) v=cs.getPropertyValue(p);
  	} else v = o.currentStyle[p];	
	v = Number(String(v).split('px')[0]);
	return v;
//R.Penner Quart easing t=time,b=start,c=delta,d=duration
function Quad_easeIn (t, b, c, d) { return c*(t/=d)*t*t*t + b;}
function Quad_easeOut (t, b, c, d) {	return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b;}
function Quad_easeInOut (t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t + b; return -c/2 * ((t-=2)*t*t*t - 2) + b; }																			

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